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Qingyuan County Hand Lifting Machinery Manufacturing Co

DHP group hoist electric chain hoist | DHK fast chain electric hoist | 7.5 to...

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home > sell > What is the price of 2 tons, 4 meters, 6 meters and 8 meters round hand chain hoist?
What is the price of 2 tons, 4 meters, 6 meters and 8 meters round hand chain hoist?
products: Views:4What is the price of 2 tons, 4 meters, 6 meters and 8 meters round hand chain hoist? 
brand: 2吨4米6米8米圆型手拉葫芦价格是多少
2吨4米6米8米圆型手拉葫芦价格是多少: 2吨4米6米8米圆型手拉葫芦价格是多少
2吨4米6米8米圆型手拉葫芦价格是多少: 2吨4米6米8米圆型手拉葫芦价格是多少
2吨4米6米8米圆型手拉葫芦价格是多少: 2吨4米6米8米圆型手拉葫芦价格是多少
price: 2.00元/2吨4米6米8米圆型
MOQ: 2 2吨4米6米8米圆型
Total supply: 2 2吨4米6米8米圆型
Delivery date: Shipped within 3 days from the date of payment by the buyer
Valid until: Long-term validity
Last updated: 2014-12-08 09:34


保定手牌机械有限公司是一家专业生产高品质起重吊索具的企业。专门生产 手拉葫芦 、 电动葫芦 、 起重链条 、 吊装带 等起重机械设备的生产厂家,主要产品型号有DHS环链电动葫芦12351020吨,6米链条。DHK环链电动葫芦123510吨,6米链条。DHP群吊环链电动葫芦57.5101520吨链条可随意米数。HSZ圆型手拉葫芦12351020吨,36米链条。微型电动葫芦PA200PA300PA400PA500PA600PA800PA1000,钢丝绳12米和22米。最大可加长25-28米 因卷筒的规格有一部分是缠在外面的。圆形吊装带, 1T(紫色)2T(绿色)3T(黄色)4T(红色)5T8T10T12T(红色)15T(红色)20T(橙色)30T50T(橙色)100T(橙色)。白色吊装带1吨2吨3吨5吨8吨10吨。VA手扳葫芦3吨6吨9吨,VL手扳葫芦。等等

联系人:董经理  扣扣在线:3120825193  手机:18632215156

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